If you have any questions about Life Springs Academy please email Academy@LifeSpringsPike.org


LSA Registration Packet

2025-2026 Preschool AND Afterschool Registration Packet.


We will be accepting first come first serve on Monday the 3rd. Registration fee is not due until your spot is confirmed.

LSA Preschool

Welcome to Life Springs Church Preschool! We are delighted that you are considering sharing your child with us. The goal of early childhood education is to help your child transition to the classroom setting. We believe with a balanced, consistent schedule coupled with love and patience, we can accomplish this goal. Our teachers and staff work diligently to make sure the children have a safe and happy experience here!

LSA Afterschool

Here at Life Springs church we offer an after school program for pre-k - 5th grade and a program during school breaks for 2-10 year olds. We follow Pike County School System’s school calendar.

LSA Summer Program

This program is designed to serve children from four to twelve years of age. The services provided by this program are safe and secure, providing the parents with an excellent place where their children can be taken care of. Our daily program from 6am to 6pm Monday through Friday provides the children with opportunities to participate in small and large group times, outside play, crafts, and group Bible lesson time while being cared for by loving teachers.